What is our definition of "wealth"? There is the wealth which shrinks the more you share it. And there is the wealth which the more you share, the more it grows. Native peoples have always known that they are connected to everything alive, and that we all are part of a bigger being: our planet. And that our planet herself is but a part of something bigger yet, that one can only incontestably call: the Mystery. From the beginning of life they learn how to live in connection and in balance with All Their Relations. The mission of SOAR is to restore that learning, which we consider as the foundation of education, and help you explore, deepen and strengthen your connection to All Your Relations. Of course this is a journey that begins with yourself. And it is a journey that never ends. It is even a journey where you do not necessarily always know where you are going. But journeying more and more towards connection one thing you do know, in the marrow of your bones, is the wealth of each single step. SOAR is a seed for a new social paradigm, a new culture where "having" is in balance with "being" and individual freedom with the common good. For only together can we build a healthier world. In order to be able to truly function together, we need Collaboration to prevail over Competition Appreciation over Criticism Trust over Distrust Love over Fear All this can be learned. |