" Looking back on it now, three months later, I’m so happy about ending up on this beautiful island, in this stunning house with all its lovely people. Still, sometimes I struggle to describe my experience.It’s something that actually loses some of its magic by talking about it, you have to live it! Also, I feel like we went so deep sometimes, things are still moving in me, which is very beautiful. On my daily bus ride this past week I’ve been pondering about the questions what I have taken from those 6 months.
The biggie here is love and connection. Excuse the cliché...
The aspect of community life has left me with the deep trust, that I’m not alone here. That for every painful experience, every struggle and every joy, there is someone to share it with. Someone who might not have gone through the exact same things but who will be there for you, willing to listen and stand by you with a caring word, a loving hug or a compassionate gesture. I had moments where our being human suddenly felt so beautiful and empowering, when faced together. Seeing how we all carry the same things in our hearts, so similar, yet still so different…
All this might sound quite logical but I think especially in the time we are living now, as young people there is a lot of pressure to put yourself out there. To be independent, to know where you’re headed (how on earth could we?!), to be „successful“, always already thinking about the next step while you’re still busy doing something else. In Highschool the conversation about university starts even before you graduate and the nagging questions of "So..what are you going to do after …?“ stay with you even if you’re studying, or while you’re traveling or doing something completely different.
At least this has been my reality but SOAR has strengthened my love for the uncertain. I still remember one of my intentions I spoke at a fire once "…to find security in being by following my heart…“ and think that this knowledge, how to do that, is one of the core things SOAR can provide for young people.
And there’s so much more, I could fill pages with the beauty of SOAR. But this underlying feeling of home, people who get me and that life is my friend is what I take as my treasures and am forever grateful for."